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Readings Menu
Rune Reading
Book Your ReadingWork with experienced rune reader, Matt the Traveler to gain perspective, ideas, and insight with this ancient practice. From $45
Tarot Reading
Book Your ReadingSit with experienced reader Matt the Traveler to gain perspective, insight, and ideas with this classic approach. From $45
Spa Menu

Foot Zoning
Foot Zoning is a wonderful option to work on the entire body while only touching the feet. Utilizing principles of reflexology, our experienced practitioner guides you through a relaxing and transformative foot zone experience. From $75

Pelvic Steam
Applying properties of herbs and of the Mayan Bajo or steam bath, this spa-like experience warms and cleanses the body from the inside, comfortably and in a private setting. From $30

Intuitive Therapeutic Massage
Using intuitive knowledge and a range of modalities, our senior massage therapist takes your body through a relaxing sequence. Clients often leave with a refreshingly expanded range of motion and feeling relaxed. From $120

Eve and Fae
D&D Adventure Night Session Pass