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Readings Menu

  • Rune Reading

    Work with experienced rune reader, Matt the Traveler to gain perspective, ideas, and insight with this ancient practice. From $45

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  • Tarot Reading

    Sit with experienced reader Matt the Traveler to gain perspective, insight, and ideas with this classic approach. From $45

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Spa Menu


Foot Zoning

Foot Zoning is a wonderful option to work on the entire body while only touching the feet. Utilizing principles of reflexology, our experienced practitioner guides you through a relaxing and transformative foot zone experience. From $75

Schedule Your Zone Session


Pelvic Steam

Applying properties of herbs and of the Mayan Bajo or steam bath, this spa-like experience warms and cleanses the body from the inside, comfortably and in a private setting. From $30

Schedule a Steam Session


Intuitive Therapeutic Massage

Using intuitive knowledge and a range of modalities, our senior massage therapist takes your body through a relaxing sequence. Clients often leave with a refreshingly expanded range of motion and feeling relaxed. From $120

Schedule Your Massage


Mayan Abdominal Therapy

Drawing from the Mayan culture's deep healing traditions and infused with the techniques as taught by Rosita Arvigo, we deliver powerful therapy for modern living. Unpack the power of your center and experience flow living.

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